
“My friends didn't even notice my braces! I thought it was totally obvious, but when I took them out to eat, they were so surprised.”

— Chelsea S.

Clear aligners like Invisalign have become incredibly popular over the last decade. They’re a more aesthetic option and can be very effective for minor orthodontic corrections. And since they’re removable, they’re easier to keep your teeth clean too! Come in for a consultation to see if Invisalign may be the right solution for you.



Carrière® Orthodontics

Traditional braces still have a time and place. For more significant orthodontic movement that clear aligners can’t achieve, nothing is more effective. With our Carrière® system braces, your teeth can move more quickly and in more controlled ways than with Invisalign. Clear options are also available to maintain aesthetics, so no one has to know you’re having orthodontic work done!

